Why Weight Loss Plans Should Include Micronutrients














This post was adopted from Reliv International and was written by Tina Van Horn, Reliv Product Marketing Specialist.

Most weight loss plans focus on reducing caloric intake of macronutrients (protein, fat and carbohydrates) and increasing caloric expenditure through exercise, leading to an energy deficit that promotes weight loss. But one of the often overlooked components of a successful weight loss plan is ensuring you get all of the necessary micronutrients too. This includes vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and phyto-chemicals. Micronutrients play crucial roles in our nutrition, including the prevention and treatment of various diseases and conditions as well as the optimization of physical and mental functioning.

Scientific evidence suggests that micronutrient sufficiency may be equal to or even more important than energy balance to achieve ideal body weight and healthy aging.

  1. Several scientific studies have established a strong correlation between nutrient deficiency and the condition of overweight/obesity, including one study that found an 80.8% increased likelihood of being overweight or obese in micronutrient deficient subjects.2-5
  2. Even popular diet plans like The Mediterranean Diet, DASH Diet and Zone Diet, failed to provide minimum recommended daily intake (RDI) sufficiency for all of the 27 micronutrients analysed in a recent study.6 These findings indicate that an individual following a popular diet plan as suggested, with food alone, has a high likelihood of becoming micronutrient deficient. In addition to debilitating health conditions and diseases, micronutrient deficiencies may actually make it harder to lose weight or may leave you feeling fatigued or depressed. Recent scientific evidence suggests that such deficiencies may also affect insulin metabolism and appetite regulation.

The challenge for most people trying to lose weight is how to reduce caloric intake and still meet micronutrient needs. Dietary supplementation is an effective way for those trying to lose weight to meet their micronutrient needs and still keep their caloric intake in check. With 12 grams of high quality non-GMO soy protein ReShape is full of essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and is scientifically formulated to support weight loss. A high-quality, multi-vitamin supplement, like Reliv Now® can also fill the inevitable nutrition gaps that accompany weight loss efforts.

Specific micronutrients have been identified that are important during periods of weight reduction:

  • Vitamin D: regulates multiple genes associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome. It also supports bone health and immunity. Recent evidence suggests that inadequate levels of Vitamin D may promote weight gain, obesity and metabolic syndrome.
  • Vitamin B-12: essential for the conversion of protein and fat to energy as well as red blood cell production. Fatigue is a symptom of deficiency.
  • Calcium: functions in the utilization of stored fat for energy as well as muscle contraction and bone health.
  • Magnesium: critical for muscle function and bone health.
  • Anti-oxidants: combats the free radicals and oxidative stress generated by metabolic processes and intense exercise.
  • Vitamin B-5 (Pantothenic Acid): coenzyme that generates energy from fat, proteins and carbs.
  • Vitamin B-9 (Folic Acid): needed for proper metabolism that promotes muscle growth (lean muscle mass).

A Note from Dr. Carl Hastings: Get Your Micronutrients with Reliv Nutrition
Reliv Now has been formulated to exceed the minimum recommended daily intake of these and many other essential micronutrients. These exclusive formulas provide an optimal blend of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbs for better health and a better quality of life. Reliv’s targeted nutrition formulas are also effective for weight management.

To your health,

Dr. Carl W. Hastings
Vice Chairman and Chief Scientific Officer


(*)  Recommended dietary intake (RDI) represents the daily intake level of a nutrient that is generally considered sufficient to meet the needs of 97 – 98% of the population to prevent deficiency diseases.

  1. Y Li1, C Wang, K Zhu, R N Fen and C H Sun: Effects of multivitamin and mineral supplementation on adiposity, energy expenditure and lipid profiles in obese Chinese women. International Journal of Obesity (2010) 34, 1070–1077; doi:10.1038/ijo.2010.14; published online 9 February 2010.
  2. Smotkin-Tangorra M, Purushothaman R, Gupta A, Nejati G, Anhalt H, Ten S: Prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency in obese children and adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism (2007), 20, 817-823.
  3. Asfaw A: Micronutrient deficiency and the prevalence of mothers’ overweight/obesity in Egypt: Economics and Human Biology (2007) 5, 471-483.
  4. Dzieniszewski J, Jorosz M, Szczygie B, Diugosz J, Marlicz K, Linke K, Lachowicz A, Ryko-Skiba M, Orzeszko M: Nutritional status of patient hospitalized in Poland. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2005) 59, 552-560.
  5. Koleva M, Kadiiska A, Markovska V, Nacheva A, Boev M: Nutrition nutritional behavior, and obesity. Central European Journal of Public Health (2000) 8, 10-13.
  6. Calton, Jayson B: Prevalence of micronutrient deficiency in popular diet plans. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (2010) 7:24.
  7. Reis JP, von Muhlen D, Miller ER, Michos ED, Appel LJ: Vitamin D. Pediatrics (2009) 124, e371-e379.


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