Give Thanks to Your Heart with a Healthy Resolve

We often take for granted just how much our hearts do for us. Pumping blood to our entire body and getting rid of its waste, our hearts have earned the right to be treated like royalty. Heart disease however, is the leading cause of death in Australia and New Zealand. Regardless of genetics, family history […]

Don’t take this sitting down – avoid a sedentary lifestyle

Over half of all Australian adults are not active enough -a big call for a nation made up of over 22 million inhabitants.  A recent study from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm mapped the methylation pattern of sedentary or inactive participants who were exposed to a six month exercise regime. Methylation involves a process where […]

Soy much better!

For a few years now, soy based products have started to appear on supermarket shelves and have become a part of everyday nutrition for people. Soy has been part of the traditional Asian diet for centuries and it’s now gaining prominence in the Western diet as well. We call “soy” those foods or food ingredients […]