Originally posted by Reliv International
By Master Affiliate Katie Moore
Have you ever thought about becoming a Reliv Distributor? Well, I sure didn’t. In fact, for two years I said “no” on multiple occasions. I was a young, career-focused woman, enjoying city life with my husband. We were living a fairly healthy lifestyle and definitely were not looking for another job. But it’s funny how things happen because it wasn’t too long before I had the most life-changing experience. I became a mum! And that changed everything. My husband and I got started on the Reliv products and experienced amazing health benefits. We began sharing with others and quickly felt called to do this full-time. In 2018, our Reliv business was born. We now have three boys, and Reliv is an intricate part of our everyday life.
Balancing motherhood and life (aka being a mumpreneur) can be challenging. But with Reliv, it’s fun and purposeful. While there is no magic wand to add twelve more hours to your day, this is a very doable business with a proven success system. I’ve put together a few practical ways that help me balance the calls of duty.
Start with your WHY. Make it visible and meditate on it regularly. This is your shining star to guide you around every corner. You’ve probably already experienced amazing life-changing results so now focus on why you want to share this gift with others.
Plug into the Reliv Success System. Glue yourself to your support team and they will teach you how to be successful. Take advantage of the online tools, trainings and story calls. I use my smartphone and the Reliv Mobile App for 95% of my business.
Be confident and consistent. This comes with time. Just like raising my kiddos, I take my Reliv business very seriously. This is not a side hustle. I left a very generous corporate job because of the Reliv opportunity. When you begin to demonstrate to others how important this is, the game will seriously change.
Block out time in your calendar. Every day looks a little different for me, whether it’s a 15-minute story call, an appointment, a team call, or a Saturday special event. I work it into our daily routine (nap time, after dinner, post bed time, etc.) and physically put it in our calendar. We use a shared Google Calendar for everything.
Schedule time in advance with your support team. This helps maximize time when meeting new people. It’s also easier to schedule an appointment if I already have my support team on my calendar. You never know when the opportunity to share Reliv will arise, so always be prepared!
Include the kiddos. I have fun making shakes with the kids every day and I also host a monthly shake playgroup at our home. Mums learn about Reliv and kids have supervised playtime. It’s a win-win for everyone!
What do you think? Can you implement these practical tips today? I encourage you to set aside 10-15 minutes of quiet time. Write down your WHY, goals, and commit to 90 days. You will become the best mumpreneur you ever knew!