August is National Golf Month, and Reliv professionals have lessons to share from their time on the course. Their advice translates beautifully from the game into entrepreneurship and life.
Ryan Montgomery, President
Golf can be a roller coaster. One day can be your career best, and the next day it all falls apart. I’ve learned to keep my confidence from the game of golf. The key is to remember the good shots and forget the bad.
Patience and a positive attitude are better for your game, and also more enjoyable for those playing in your group. This translates to business when you’re in a situation that requires persistence and an optimistic outlook.
Don’t try to do too many things with your golf swing. It’s easy to get too many swing thoughts going on at once when standing above the ball. Find what works for you, on an off the course, and repeat that behavior. Keep it simple.
Chris Scherting, Director of Marketing
As an inexperienced beginner, golf has taught me patience and humility. You have to swallow your pride and set your own small goals for improvement. I get excited when I don’t lose a ball on a hole or if the ball simply gets a little lift! These small victories keep me going.
The golf swing and hand position is strange and awkward at first. It requires a lot of practice. The tough thing while practicing alone is that you have no idea what you are doing wrong or what adjustment to make. I have participated in several golf camps and private lessons where I was able to learn from a more experienced golfer. It’s amazing how a minor adjustment can make a major improvement in the direction or distance of the ball. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help and wisdom from someone who has been playing longer than you, and be flexible enough to try a new technique if your current one isn’t working.
Kurt Wulff, Vice President of Marketing
Focus on what is important: It gets increasingly difficult to stay in touch with certain friends and family as I get older. Our lives never seem to slow down. Golf has made it possible for me to spend time with certain friends and family members I wouldn’t see on a regular basis if not for our tee time. It has taught me the importance of putting time and effort into relationships with those I care about.
Learn the importance of consistent practice: When it comes to golf, the best way to practice is to identify the fundamentals of a good swing and then practice them over and over again. Even the world’s top professionals practice constantly and make adjustments as needed along the way. No matter how good your swing is, you will see a decline in performance without consistent practice.
Seek coaching and expert advice: It is often impossible to know what you are doing wrong without someone who is better than you, and more experienced, reviewing your swing and identifying issues only they can see as a trained observer. Leverage their expertise to your advantage and your game will improve dramatically.