The “superfood” craze has exploded throughout the health world in the last few years. Focusing on calorie-sparse and nutrient-dense options, superfoods provide antioxidants and essential nutrients that the body cannot produce on its own. They help our bodies avoid illness and aging while supporting our daily health. You don’t want to miss out on these amazingly beneficial foods. Read on to find out why!
What are superfoods?
The term “superfood” remains very broad. One definition states: “a food that is considered to be beneficial to your health and that may even help some medical conditions.” Some foods commonly included are berries, nuts and dark green vegetables. Nutritionists may differ on what is and is not a superfood, but the many superfood candidates put forth offer an array of beneficial foods to choose from.
What are some examples?
• Almost any berry can be considered a superfood due to their naturally high level of antioxidants, but with an extra boost of fibre and Vitamin C, blueberries reign supreme. One study showed that eating one cup of blueberries a week can promote major long-term health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure and speeding up metabolism. A separate study at the University of Cincinnati found that wild blueberry juice enhanced memory and learning function in older adults while reducing blood sugar and decreasing signs of depression. Blueberries tend to be in season from December to April, making summer the perfect time to indulge in this sweet superfood.
• I know what you’re thinking… could chocolate actually be a superfood? Well, not exactly. The key to chocolate’s benefits lies in the flavonoids of the cocoa bean itself. These nutrients tend to go through a large amount of processing before they do or do not make it into your favourite chocolate bar; meaning that the health benefits of chocolate are highly dependent on how it is produced. In general, dark chocolate naturally contains more antioxidants than milk chocolate, making it the best choice. Now as with anything else, even superfoods must be eaten in moderation. Chocolate may contain key nutrients, but an overload could sabotage your entire journey towards good health before it begins.
• As far as superfoods go, soy is one of the leading names on the list. Part of the legume family, soybeans are unique due to a complete protein profile and additional nutrients that maximize health benefits. The entire body can benefit from soy consumption. Examples include a reduced risk of heart disease, lower cholesterol levels and decreased risk of osteoporosis.
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What makes LunaRich® the first epigenetic superfood?
LunaRich from Reliv is the first nutritional ingredient of its kind shown to promote optimal health at the epigenetic level. LunaRich delivers the most concentrated form of bioactive lunasin available. Lunasin is a naturally occurring soy component and the key to many of soy’s documented benefits, including cholesterol management, inflammation reduction, improved immunity, antioxidant effects and overall cellular health. LunaRich offers you the unique opportunity to take control of your own health — and is available exclusively from Reliv.
How can I add more superfoods to my diet?
It’s simple. With so many options to choose from, your next trip to the grocery store can become a fun game of pick-and-choose with new and exciting superfoods. Since the superfood category is so broad, finding some you like and incorporating them into your diet can be a fun process that the whole family can enjoy. Be adventurous by adding superfoods to your classic recipes for a nutritious twist on some of your favourite meals.
Reliv can help. Reliv formulates its products using the most advanced ingredients, including a wide range of superfoods. And with the epigenetic science behind LunaRich, Reliv literally takes superfoods to a whole new level.